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Галерея «И»Продано!Andrew Grant. 400 Years of Go in Japan

Andrew Grant. 400 Years of Go in Japan

This book is a history of the development of modern Go in Japan from its beginnings to the late 20th century. Written in a highly readable style, author describes the personalities and the playing styles of all the major figures as he traces the evolution of the game to is current form. He also includes the records of thirty-seven famous and pivotal games.

Экземпляр с подписью автора.

В наличии: нет
Формат: 155×225 мм
Язык: английский
Издание: Slate & Shell, США, 2003
ISBN: 1-932001-06-9
Объём: 200 страниц

Цена: 900 руб.

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