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Галерея «И»Продано!Yasutoshi Yasuda. Go as Communication

Yasutoshi Yasuda. Go as Communication

Full book's name — Go as Conversation: Educational & Therapeutic Value of Go.

Yasuda is the 9 Dan professional who pioneered the use of the capture game as a way of introducing children to go. This book is the story of his response to the problem of bullying in Japanese schools by introducing the students to go, and his discovery of the surprising educational and therapeutic values of playing go. His program quickly expanded beyond nursery schools to all schools and to mental institutions and homes for the elderly, both in Japan and in a number of other countries. The book is an inspiring testimony to the positive power of the game and an instructive guide to developing such programs anywhere.

Книга подписана издателем.

В наличии: нет
Формат: 140×215 мм
Язык: английский
Издание: Slate & Shell, США, 2002
ISBN: 1-932001-03-4
Объём: 69 страниц

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